Monday 9 September 2013


 just a quick blog before I go nuts .. just checked my blog and realised I havent checked or updated it for last 5 months woooohh!!

Saturday 9 March 2013

Some thoughts

Life is too short to be sad and angry and to cry. Either we can complain and cry for what we dont have or cherish it for what we have.

Monday 4 March 2013

My thoughts

Sometimes when i say i dont care i do, sometimes when i dont like someone because i am jealous of em, sometimes when i say let it go i dont want to ... Accepting is easy but its hard to show and lifegoes on...

Friday 1 March 2013

some of my thoughts #3

I try to write negative things and thoughts all the time but then I remember all the wisdom and happiness that Lord Buddha taught us so I remain silence and smile at everything that happened to me.  

"The experience of truth comes from one's own mind." --- Lord Buddha 

Thursday 21 February 2013

Some of my thoughts #2 day313

We only see someone making mistake we don't notice our own.

This pic I found on net and I really liked it. This is more than just a photo.

Wednesday 20 February 2013

Some of my thoughts #1

No one will see you struggling they will start knowing you when you are on top.

Monday 18 February 2013


What is life ?? We born and we die which is obvious. but those things we do during those two counts the most I know everybody know about this but when its my time to die I dont wanna regret of anything at that moment I want to try everything literally everything. I dont care if anyone is reading my blog or not but its me and I am happy thats it. I wanted to make a blog and put my feelings on it and thats it I have done it what I wanted to do. okay this is going in a whole new level now.
I want to try and have a belly dance course as well and I am trying to have it so badly I know how to belly dance but I want to master it and there are so many things right now that I cannot wait to do. I dont care about money its not like I am a rich person but I have a suitable job from which I can make my dream come true. Got so much things in life to do this is just the beginning I shall see myself positive all the time as we only live once so I dont wanna waste it. :)

Shot some photos today and sky was wonderful whilst coming back from my work. enjoy :) 

Wednesday 6 February 2013

Feb 6 day 327

Ok valentine's day is coming up and i got my exam as well so is my work and all and all buuuut I cannot think of not being with him so i am not which how to get him impressed by my look and make our day special so i have this look all from only one product which is called MUA which is 10 times cheaper than MAC and waaayy too easy to use and which is pretty good. I am a student who has to communicate from Tonbridge to London for college every single day through train. And who ever lives in UK know about the train fares during peak hour so I have to compromise with some of the things and MUA has made it easy for my everyday life. I hope they remain affordable like this as always but with great makeup product. I give MUA 9.99 out of 10.
So now the question is what look shall I get for valentine's day for him??? Huh confuse !!!!

Sunday 3 February 2013

Feb 3 Day 330

Finally my college is from tomorrow but the thing is i am going college after ages i think its gonna be hectic tomorrow cause its gonna be my sister's borthday as well and i have no idea what to buy for her ✌😛 anyway i am so much inspired by these instagram photos and now i wont be a lazy a** at all lemme have some time and i will be rolling in bikini this summer finger cross .... Dont go for weight go for size and fitness

15 days later

A lot has happened in my life recently. From friday i will be going back to college now pretty excited cause i was in a gap year for a year. Just to note that i try to blog from comp but most of the time i blog from my ipad :) ✌ hope i have post enough pictures of these recent days x p.s. most of the photos are owned by me and some of them are owned by google i guess x

Thursday 17 January 2013

Day 349 And Day 348

I made some dumplings last night but I don't have any photos was really busy so couldn't post any blog. Yesterday it was really cold and frosty but today it was all shiny and warm. I dont have my cannon with me but when I will get it I will start to post photos taken from my camera but my phone's camera isn't bad either so enjoy x