Friday 14 September 2012

"Its what's inside that matters"

Today at work i saw one middle aged lady. She was well dressed and was nice to me and was very kind. When she was about to pay i saw her purse and it was in very bad condition. It was all worn out had holes on it but she was still happy with it cause she was happy and smiled at me when i asked her that its a time to get u a new purse. She smiled and said its not about the purse or the brand or the price its whats inside that matters and i smiled again. And it is indeed trues its whats inside that matter. Realising this bud of reality i came to make a dicission i will donate all my purse and will keep only one. In some part of the world people cant even afford one purse but i am fortunate and like and spoiled i have more than six different size of purse and uncountable bags. Apart from this today my day was really ok. :) ✌✌✌✌✌ goodnight everyone oh n i will upload my donating purse soon take care

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