Monday 9 September 2013


 just a quick blog before I go nuts .. just checked my blog and realised I havent checked or updated it for last 5 months woooohh!!

Saturday 9 March 2013

Some thoughts

Life is too short to be sad and angry and to cry. Either we can complain and cry for what we dont have or cherish it for what we have.

Monday 4 March 2013

My thoughts

Sometimes when i say i dont care i do, sometimes when i dont like someone because i am jealous of em, sometimes when i say let it go i dont want to ... Accepting is easy but its hard to show and lifegoes on...

Friday 1 March 2013

some of my thoughts #3

I try to write negative things and thoughts all the time but then I remember all the wisdom and happiness that Lord Buddha taught us so I remain silence and smile at everything that happened to me.  

"The experience of truth comes from one's own mind." --- Lord Buddha 

Thursday 21 February 2013

Some of my thoughts #2 day313

We only see someone making mistake we don't notice our own.

This pic I found on net and I really liked it. This is more than just a photo.

Wednesday 20 February 2013

Some of my thoughts #1

No one will see you struggling they will start knowing you when you are on top.